Low Energy Neurofeedback System (LENS)
The Low Energy NeuroFeedback System (LENS) is a unique and ground-breaking form of brainwave biofeedback or neurofeedback that offers significant advantages over traditional EEG neurofeedback.
LENS has consistently shown shorter clinical intervention times to optimise human functioning in the areas of mood, cognition and energy levels especially for those with post concussive syndrome, autism and depression.
The Low Energy NeuroFeedback System is based on EEG, an oscillating voltage measured from the scalp that tracks the dominant rhythm or frequency within the EEG. Unlike traditional biofeedback, LENS is a passive process and the person does not have to try and understand the feedback or learn how to regulate his or her brainwaves. As the feedback is like holding a mirror to the brain and stimulates the brain to take stock of itself and do something different.
Hence, the LENS works subliminally to optimise the capacities of the person to function effectively, learn new skills and to utilise the skills already learned. By not having to learn how to control one’s own brainwaves, the process of change begins immediately. This change seems to come much more rapidly than in conventional training and is often more noticeable to patients and their families.
For those with post concussive syndrome, autism and depression, LENS offers a behavioural, drug-free, non-surgical and non-psychotherapeutic way to produce relatively rapid resolution of difficult cognitive, mood, anxiety, mental clarity, energy and physical movement problems when compared with more traditional forms of therapy.
Since each person is an individual the number of LENS sessions, intensity of stimulation and length of sessions required for optimal brain function to be restored will vary. The restorative effects persist long after sessions has been discontinued unless of course, a new trauma occurs.
For more information or to make an appointment please send an email or contact us on (02) 9639 7778 during business hours.