Stress Management and Relaxation
Stress is a part of every day life and more so since we are one of the most highly accessible and connected (i.e. mobile phones, email, internet, social networking etc.) generations. We are simply not given the opportunity to TURN OFF!
The first step in dealing with stress is to identify the factors that are central to a person controlling his or her stress. The second step is to develop strategies that effectively target these issues. These two techniques can help ameliorate stress by helping people change their perceptions of stressors, hence providing them with strategies to cope and improve their confidence in their ability to cope with everyday life.
Techniques such as Time Management and Goal Setting may help a person to control stress. Relaxation techniques maybe useful for others who find it difficult to turn off their brains at the end of the day. For others, learning to set limits and say “NO” to unreasonable demands, could well make a difference to their stress levels. Techniques for Stress Management will vary from one person to another, as no one is the same or perceives life and life’s stressors in the same manner.
For more information or to make an appointment please send an email or contact us on (02) 9639 7778 during business hours.