Learning Difficulties, Sydney
The rise in Learning Difficulties (LD) is cause for concern and action. Learning Difficulties are due to disorders in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or using language (spoken or written) which results in an imperfect ability to listen (auditory processing disorder), think, speak, read (dyslexia), write, spell or do mathametical calculations. It also includes directional confusion, sequencing difficulties and short term/working memory problems. A person has a learning difficulty (LD) if academic achievement is not in keeping with age and ability (intelligence) levels when provided with appropriate learning experiences. These disorders are now occurring in almost a third of school children and research is indicating that there are several factors which affects the brain’s ability to receive and process information.
Learning is the cornerstone of being able to function in society. Having a Learning Disability can make it problematic for a person to learn as quickly or in the same way as someone who isn’t affected by a Learning Disability. Also a Learning Disability is not indicative of intelligence level, rather, people with a Learning Disability have trouble performing specific types of skills or completing tasks if left to figure things out by themselves or if taught in conventional ways.
Learning disabilities can be categorised either by the type of information processing that is affected or by the specific difficulties caused by a processing deficit. For example:
By stage of Information Processing:
This is when a Learning Disability falls into one of the four stages of information processing used in learning:
Input, Integration, Storage and Output.
By Function Impaired:
Having a deficit in any area of information processing can manifest in a variety of specific Learning Disabilities like:
– Reading Disorder (dyslexia)
– Writing Disorder
– Maths Disability (dyscalculia)
– Comprehension Difficulties
It is possible for an individual to have more than one of these difficulties and this is referred to as comorbidity or co-occurrence of Learning Disabilities. Comorbidities often include problems with working memory, attention, impulsivity, coordination (dyspraxia), retained primitive reflexesand auditory processing.
At Learning Discoveries we approach these difficulties from a holistic and individual perspective.
We undertake Psychometric Testing, utilise standard assessments and tailor interventions to suit the particular needs and requirements being presented. The types of intervention techniques utilised at
Learning Discoveries include: Neurofeedback, Samonas Sound Therapy, the Interactive Metronome®, exercises for the inhibition of Primitive Reflexes and Remedial Teaching. Cogmed Working Memory Training is also offered for those with working memory deficits.
Although a Learning Disability is a life long disability, with the right support and intervention, people with these disabilities can succeed in school and go on to be very successful later in life!
For more information on how we can assist in overcoming a Learning Disability or to make an appointment please send an email or contact us on (02) 9639 7778 during business hours.