ADHD Assessments
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common childhood disorder characterised by difficulty paying attention or staying focused for extended periods of time. Those with ADHD display certain symptoms from an early age which can continue well into adulthood. The Royal Childrens Hosital, Melbourne (RCH) indicates that 3% to 5% of Australian children have ADHD.
ADHD is a complex neurobiological disorder that is often difficult to diagnose as children have different temperament levels and personalities. A series of neurological and psychological tests need to be given by a licensed professional. Children often have difficulties performing well in school while adults may have problems with organisation skills.
Early assessment is important to understand the disorder and to implement an intervention. Otherwise the condition can bring about a number of secondary problems such as anxiety and even substance abuse into adulthood. Proper ADHD assessments are crucial to decrease the risk of these problems occurring.
Learning Discoveries offers a full range of psychological services including comprehensive ADHD assessments. We take a personalised approach with every patient to deliver individually tailored therapies. We provide a caring environment for children and adults to improve their brain function.
A useful assessment tool is the QEEG (Quantitative Electroencephalography) which measures brainwave activity at the scalp. This allows us to compare results with a database and is an essential baseline measureme before Neurofeedback training commences. Results from the EEG guides the selection of the most appropriate Neurofeedback protocols. Another test we conduct is the Integrated Visual and Auditory (IVA) Continuous Performance Test (CPT) which is often used in conjunction with other diagnostic procedures. Another effective screen tool is the the Test of Variables of Attention (TOVA).
Neurofeedback is a non-invasive, drug-free learning strategy that teaches the brain to monitor and regulate its own brainwave patterns so that the brain becomes more responsive and less reactive. This leads to improved concentration, reduced impulsivity, decreased hyperactivity and better sleep patterns.
At Learning Discoveries we offer several different types of Neurofeedback and we are one of the most experienced Neurofeedback providers in Sydney.
For more information or to schedule an appointment for ADHD assessments, send us an email or contact us on (02) 9639 7778.